Shipping Policy

Once you have placed an order, it can be cancelled. However, the order CANNOT be cancelled once it has been dispatched.
We will deliver your purchases using the delivery method that is by our standard delivery service after completing the payment process.
The estimated date for delivery of the goods is set out in the Confirmation Email (see clause 2.3.3). This date is an estimate only and we do not guarantee to deliver the goods on that date.
(If required by delivery service) We require that all deliveries are signed for by a person at the delivery address. You agree that delivery takes place when the goods are signed for at the delivery address and the signature of the person at the delivery address is conclusive evidence that the signed-for goods have been delivered to you at that address.
If nobody is available to take delivery, please contact us using the contact details at the top of this page to arrange an alternative delivery, unless you and we agree otherwise, if we cannot deliver your goods.
Let you know;
cancel your order; and
give you a refund.
We may deliver your ordered goods in instalments.

Delivery time can vary between: –
India:- 5-14 days
International:- 1-5 weeks

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